Sunday, September 7, 2014


Hi everyone! My name is Andrew Poure, and I'm a senior in EMU's aviation management program. I've been interested in aviation as long as I can remember, and as far as I'm concerned I was born this way, though growing up near an airport probably helped the obsession grow.

I decided aviation management was the right major for me as I started college, coming to the conclusion that I had no real interest in being a career commercial pilot (I'd rather fly on my own time). I've always been awed by airports, since my earliest memories of traveling as a kid. The unique environment of a major airport fascinates me like nothing else, and creating a career where I can work in that environment is my number one goal.

As of right now, I have yet to decide whether working on the airline or airport operator side is right for me, and I see pros and cons of both paths. I'm keeping an open mind moving toward graduation in December, and hope to apply for a variety of different jobs. Numerous aspects of the industry interest me, with some of my favorite topics to learn about being airport operations, airline operations, fleet planning, route planning, and airport design and development.

I hope to continue a path toward success in the aviation industry with this AVT 422 class, and am excited to explore aviation in a different way with this blog.

1 comment:

  1. Nice intro. It's great that you have had an interest in management from beginning. Hopefully this course will introduce you to a variety of management careers.
